Dallas Rosteski, RMT

When I was 13, I knew that I wanted to help people feel better. At 14 I took my first energy healing course. This lead me down the path of massage. 

Once I graduated from highschool, I decided that I wanted to move to Winnipeg and immediately go to college. In 2012, I graduated from Wellington College. After college, I started working at Reactive Massage in Brandon. I learned an immense amount in the 5 years that I worked there. 

Working at Reactive inspired me to spread my knowledge. I started teaching at The Learning Company formerly Robertson College in Brandon. I started working from home and created Armonia Massage. 

I started Armonia Massage with the goal of providing therapies that are customizable. Allowing you to receive the treatment that is best suited for your body and your goals. You control the goal of your treatment including relaxation, therapeutic to help rehabilitate your body, deep tissue, and reflexology.